Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Discretion-Ethical dilemma Analysis

Discretion-Ethical dilemma Analysis

Q You are a rookie police officer on traffic patrol. You watch as a black man in his early 20's drives past you in a brand new silver Porsche. You estimate the car's value at around $100,000, yet the neighborhood you are patrolling is characterized by low-income housing, cheap apartments, tiny houses on the lowest end of the housing spectrum, and vacant buildings. You follow the individual and observe that he fails to signal when he changes lanes. You realize you are afforded a great deal of discretion when performing your duties. It's a busy night, and ordinarily, you wouldn't waste your time on something so minor. What would you do, and why?

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From the provided situation, one thing is clear that there is something wrong. I would like to talk to the driver of Porsche to ask him the reason for failing signal when changing lanes. Another thing is that the area is not so much developed and the residents cannot have such expensive cars as well, this can create a suspicion. Being a criminal justice professional, it is my duty to know from where the driver gets to drive such expensive car as he lives in a low-income housing. There are different kinds of contradictions whether a criminal justice